Create a New Profile or Update Your Profile
To create a new profile:
Fill out this form to create a profile in our church database, which allows you to receive important announcements, access the directory, join groups, and much more!
To update your profile:
1. You must enter your email address currently on file to avoid creating duplicate profiles.
2. You will receive an email asking you to verify the new information before it is applied to your profile.
3. You can make changes to profile fields for members of your household but not custom fields.
4. If there any changes you would like to make, but are unable to do, please contact us at
Fill out this form to create a profile in our church database, which allows you to receive important announcements, access the directory, join groups, and much more!
To update your profile:
1. You must enter your email address currently on file to avoid creating duplicate profiles.
2. You will receive an email asking you to verify the new information before it is applied to your profile.
3. You can make changes to profile fields for members of your household but not custom fields.
4. If there any changes you would like to make, but are unable to do, please contact us at
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